Why do we hate artificial sweeteners?
Matthew Martin
7/27/2015 10:55:00 AM
So why are so many people so against artificial sweeteners? I'd like to posit a hypothesis: people keep looking for reasons why artificial sweeteners are bad for you because they dislike the way artificial sweeteners taste. Personally, I think they taste awful. Bitter and harsh, and not really all that sweet. Artificial sweeteners taste a bit different to different people, depending largely on genetics. But we all generally do agree that sugar tastes good. Maybe all of this scare is just people looking for a way to justify their unhealthy preference for sugar over artificial sweeteners.
-American Beverage Association
I have an alternative hypothesis. Over the past few decades health and fitness seem to have taken on a moral dimension. These days, being overweight is seen not just as unhealthy, but as a sign of moral degeneracy. In this framework, drinking sugary beverages becomes a form of sin, with obesity as the punishment. What, then, are we to make of low-calorie sweeteners? They allow people to indulge without suffering the punishment. A person who, consciously or unconsciously, subscribes to this moralistic view of diet is primed to believe that eating artificial sweeteners caries its own punishment. If that punishment happens to be even worse than the one for sugar, then so much the better. You get it once for the sin and a second time for trying to get away with it.
Shorter version: Never underestimate our desire to feel morally superior to people who look like they're having more fun than we are.