Reading list
Matthew Martin
11/23/2015 11:57:00 AM
- arsenic impairs cognitive function; benefit of clean water to rural Bangladesh is $1000 to $1400 per person per year
- "Economics of Means-Tested Transfer Programs: Introduction"
- "By the 2010 cohort, 51 to 56 year old veterans had lost their educational advantage over nonveterans, were less healthy, less wealthy and less likely to be working."
- "The number of jobs created per million dollars of loans generally increases with size and decreases in age."
- "bias notwithstanding, policy decisions based on conventional VAMs [value-added models] are likely to generate substantial achievement gains" but incorporating lotteries reduces bias
- Parents' "investments are very important determinants of child cognition and of health at an earlier age." ("investment" means eg "amount spent on school fees, books, and clothing for the child, number of meals provided daily, and number of food groups consumed daily")
- driving "speed increases with the repetition of travels on the same route"
- why do people choose crowded exits in emergencies?
- "Estimating individual occupational risk using registration data"
- graduate wage inequality is primarily within-major, not between majors. Reasons: majors are more generalized; more people go to college
- taxing short-term labor contracts & subsidizing permanent hires to reduce duality in French labor market
- UK minimum wage changes had no discernable effect on employment
- Unemployment benefits offset need for disability insurance; hence typical analyses underestimate optimal UI by 50%
- leaving school in a weak economy harms self-esteem over time