Up-zoning in a liquidity trap: what theory says
Matthew Martin
1/25/2014 04:30:00 PM
Unfortunately, Japan is still stuck at the zero lower bound:
This is all relevant to Abe's policy because up-zoning represents a deflationary policy. That is exactly the selling point Matt Yglesias based his whole argument on in The Rent Is Too Damn High. Ordinarily, cheaper rents--and cheaper prices on everything else now that businesses' costs have declined--relative to incomes would be a fantastic development. But theory says it's not so during a liquidity trap. In the short run, lower expected prices of things means higher real interest rates and a deficiency of aggregate demand. In a liquidity trap, the theory says, up-zoning is actually contractionary. For an examination of this perverse effect, I refer you to Gauti Eggertsson's work on the "paradox of toil."
Here's a concrete way to think about it. A city suddenly upzones, meaning that some developer is now able to build a sky-scraper where previously the height had been restricted. Construction of the sky-scraper means that all the surrounding land-lords must now compete with the fantastically cheap rents people can get in the new skyscraper. But, for a variety of reasons ranging from cost-of-adjustment to contractual obligations and beyond, prices are sticky in the short run, so landlords can't immediately lower rents in the short run. The expectation of lower rents reduces life-long expected nominal incomes, which by way of consumption smoothing leads to an immediate drop in nominal spending. Yet prices are sticky, so a drop in nominal spending implies a drop in real spending as well--aggregate demand contracts. This isn't just about rents, either--lower expected rents also implies declining prices for businesses, since lower rents implies a lower cost of producing goods (in the long run, price=average cost). This means that all workers, not just landlords, expect declining nominal income, so this can be a potentially very large plummet in aggregate demand.
In normal times, none of that would matter because the Bank of Japan could just lower the interest rate to increase current spending during the transition period while prices are sticky. But at the zero lower bound, that option is off the table. According to the standard macro New Keynesian theory, up-zoning is clearly contractionary in a liquidity trap.